Thursday, July 17, 2008


I just joined Telephono. Its a social networking site and soon, I hope, going to open up a whole new way of collaborating with people currently unknown. It was set up by musician David Matysiak, coinciding with the release of the Telephono music project, in which over 50 artists participated.

"Telephono is an audio experiment that allows musicians to communicate with one another by manipulating audio files. Inspired by the classic children’s game 'Telephone,' my interpretation involves sending a unique audio file to a musician via the internet. That musician then chooses whether to edit the piece or simply pass it on to the next person in the chain."

I just bought the box set and cant wait to sit down and really listen to it. For more info on the music project check out or read this AJC article (Matysiak, like me, is from the ATL).

Anyways, back to the point, the social networking site! This is perfect for me. I have been trying to find people to make music with for quite a while now. All of my potential collaborators either intimidate me or are just too flaky to follow through. My plan was, and still is, to find some people via craigslist, but this new site really opens up alot of possibilities.

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