Thursday, April 2, 2009

How do I hear about new music?

I'd say that most of the bands I end up getting into, I hear about by 3 different methods:

1. The internets. Duh. I mean, if I were to listen to every band that was mentioned on Pitchfork, Brooklyn Vegan, or Stereogum... it would have to be a full time job. But still, with just a little skimming, its easy to see what is getting a lot of hype, or at least above an 8 on a pitchfork review (dont lie, that number influences you too). Then I stream a couple songs, and within 10 minutes I decide to buy the album or not. I end up buying a few albums a month this way.

2. Opening bands. I am not good about going out specifically to hear opening bands, but I generally catch at least one every show. Its hard not to, considering most of the venues in the city start hours after the ticket time. This is the best way to see bands before they are really getting any buzz at all. Sure, plenty are not buzz worthy, but its super fun to see the occasional band really make their way up (seeing the Fiery Furnaces open for Broken Social Scene made me love them even more when they started getting action).

3. Word of mouth. This is the most fun. And brings my to my favorite hipster joke:
Q: How may hipsters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Its this new number, you probably haven't heard of it.

Back in college, I was around alot more poeople that were constantly introducing me to new stuff (college radio helped too)... but now I have only a few sources. Alot of times the bands you hear about from friends, you might have seen their name around the internets, but nothing makes you want to actually go check something out like "YOU HAVE TO PROMISE ME you'll go see them". Well, these are the bands that have been hyped to me most recently.

An example of the most accessible style of indie rock. You know, like how 5 years ago you said you liked indie rock and people would say "oh, so you like Arcade Fire?". I love everything i have heard and was really bummed to miss their show last weekend (I hear it was great)

The Antlers
I like the description on insound, "a lullaby for the broken hearted". Its nice to find music every once and while that really gets to you. The self-released CD is currently being burnt and packaged by the band.

Passion Pit
I have only heard a few songs and CANT WAIT to buy the album coming out in May. I just love the combination of dancable electronic music and fun vocal melodies.

Has a soft, acoustic, almost 1960's folky feel. I have only heard a few songs, but they were very pleasant. Lets see if they hold my attention until the new album comes out later this month.

Matt and Kim

Super fun and upbeat. You'll want to dance. You'll want to sing along. I recently heard about a mash up: Matt and Little Kim, I am trying to get ahold of it.

Dan Deacon
Been hearing about him for ages, but nothing I read ever really entised me. Well, a recent recommendation got me to give it a chance and Im really digging it. New album just came out.

1 comment:

´´Saray´´ said...

Just got the Passion Pit album two days ago and I´m loving it! :)
Two other sites to discover new music are The Hype Machine and Jamendo. I downloaded from the latter an album titled ´´Pennsylvania Woods´´ by Project System 12 which is ideal for chilling out or as background music when studying.
Greetings from Spain! :)