Saturday, February 14, 2009

Am I a Nerd?

I wear glasses. I play in an orchestra. I am a scientist. But no, after tonight, I don't think that I am a nerd. Not that I don't love them. Maybe I am a geek?
I just went to Nerd Night at Galapagos Art Space. I expected alot of hipsters pretending to be nerds. But no, it really was full of nerds. Some of which were attempting to dress like hipsters. Really, it was borderline awkward in there. The presentations were pretty interesting (I learned about neon signs, evil bearded types, and beatboxing).... but i think they could have scheduled longer breaks in between to encourage mingling. I was also dissapointed that all of the people split right after the last presenation. I was hoping people would hang out for a while. Overall, the evening was pretty enteratining for the couple hours it lasted... but pretty tame. Would have been more of a satisfying weekday evening activity.

On a geek related topic, I could not be more stoked about the Watchmen movie coming out on March 6th. Albo, of Geekanerd, was kind enough to get the limited edition vinyl Watchmen single.
Im not sure how often I will actually be listening to either of the songs... but I have always been a sucker for collecters items.

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