Thursday, April 2, 2009

How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

When I was making my last post, I was googling for an image to match it (I am not sure what images I expected to find with "Hipster" and "lightbulb"). Instead I found a blog with 10 more answers to the same joke. Some are pretty good.

Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

1. It is a really obscure number and you have probably never heard of it. (or, some obscure number you've never heard of.)

2. Who cares? The light bulb was better before it changed.

3. At least 5 to scrape enough change together to buy the light bulb in the first place.

4. However many Pitchfork says it takes to change a light bulb

5. Who cares? it'll just be another tired rehashing of the way Lou Reed changes light bulbs.

6. Only 3 when they did it at the black cat, but this time through town it took 9 for some reason.

7. Nobody changes lightbulbs since they signed with that major label.

8. Two. One to change it in an ironic fashion and one to get it.

9. Who can tell through these fake hornrims and manicured scruff?

10. *sigh* I have this joke on vinyl.

and the original answer:

11. (Snotily) You mean you don't knooooow?

How do I hear about new music?

I'd say that most of the bands I end up getting into, I hear about by 3 different methods:

1. The internets. Duh. I mean, if I were to listen to every band that was mentioned on Pitchfork, Brooklyn Vegan, or Stereogum... it would have to be a full time job. But still, with just a little skimming, its easy to see what is getting a lot of hype, or at least above an 8 on a pitchfork review (dont lie, that number influences you too). Then I stream a couple songs, and within 10 minutes I decide to buy the album or not. I end up buying a few albums a month this way.

2. Opening bands. I am not good about going out specifically to hear opening bands, but I generally catch at least one every show. Its hard not to, considering most of the venues in the city start hours after the ticket time. This is the best way to see bands before they are really getting any buzz at all. Sure, plenty are not buzz worthy, but its super fun to see the occasional band really make their way up (seeing the Fiery Furnaces open for Broken Social Scene made me love them even more when they started getting action).

3. Word of mouth. This is the most fun. And brings my to my favorite hipster joke:
Q: How may hipsters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Its this new number, you probably haven't heard of it.

Back in college, I was around alot more poeople that were constantly introducing me to new stuff (college radio helped too)... but now I have only a few sources. Alot of times the bands you hear about from friends, you might have seen their name around the internets, but nothing makes you want to actually go check something out like "YOU HAVE TO PROMISE ME you'll go see them". Well, these are the bands that have been hyped to me most recently.

An example of the most accessible style of indie rock. You know, like how 5 years ago you said you liked indie rock and people would say "oh, so you like Arcade Fire?". I love everything i have heard and was really bummed to miss their show last weekend (I hear it was great)

The Antlers
I like the description on insound, "a lullaby for the broken hearted". Its nice to find music every once and while that really gets to you. The self-released CD is currently being burnt and packaged by the band.

Passion Pit
I have only heard a few songs and CANT WAIT to buy the album coming out in May. I just love the combination of dancable electronic music and fun vocal melodies.

Has a soft, acoustic, almost 1960's folky feel. I have only heard a few songs, but they were very pleasant. Lets see if they hold my attention until the new album comes out later this month.

Matt and Kim

Super fun and upbeat. You'll want to dance. You'll want to sing along. I recently heard about a mash up: Matt and Little Kim, I am trying to get ahold of it.

Dan Deacon
Been hearing about him for ages, but nothing I read ever really entised me. Well, a recent recommendation got me to give it a chance and Im really digging it. New album just came out.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Its been a month. I seriously considered deleting the blog... but decided to try one more time instead. So, what did you miss out on?

3/10/09 - Music Hall of Williamsburg
Gentleman Jesse and his men
Great show. Really fun music. I really need to check out the album. Plus, we talked to him afterwards (Ethan knows him a little from Atlanta) and he could not have been a nicer more down to earth guy. But, where is the mustache?

Black lips

Hands down best show I have seen in years. I cant wait to see them again. The energy was amazing. And they sounded awesome. They way they handled the chaos at the end (stage was full of fans and they still kept the music together), you can tell they are proper rock stars, like I have never seen before. I am in love. Seriously, so sexy. Awesome Atlanta bands make me so proud.

Talked to some young hipsters on the subway ride home. I was surprised that they had not heard of some of my favorite bands. I was later informed by friends that it is because the bands I was naming were "big, like 5 years ago". So... yeah, I am 25 and already stuck in the past. They probably told their friends about the cool older lady they talked to on the train.

photos from

3/13/09 - Brooklyn Masonic Temple
Francis and the Lights
We did alot of arguing over whether or not this guy was serious or joking. I was arguing that he was totally kidding, and totally awesome. Like... anyone dancing like that is being at least a little bit ironic, Right? Well, apparently (some post show research)... he is stone cold serious. Well, it doesnt change the fact that it is an awesome show to see. And knowing hipsters love for both ridiculousness and also anything throwback, Francis and the Lights ARE GOING TO BE HUGE.

Les Savy Fav
Great show, as expected. I mean, did we doubt that the music would be good or that the performance would be awesome? No. He did his usual crazy stuff: stripped down, went into the crowd etc. This one was a slumber party (it was friday the 13th) so some fans got mud masks and there were feather pillows bursting open.

But seriously, what the hell?! The email specifically told fans in advanced that this was supposed to be a SLUMBER PARTY. The band wanted people to come in their best pajamas!!! So, my and my 4 friend CAME IN OUR BEST PAJAMAS. But we were THE ONLY ONES. I guess new yorkers are too cool to come to a show in PJs. LAME.

photos from

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Am I a Nerd?

I wear glasses. I play in an orchestra. I am a scientist. But no, after tonight, I don't think that I am a nerd. Not that I don't love them. Maybe I am a geek?
I just went to Nerd Night at Galapagos Art Space. I expected alot of hipsters pretending to be nerds. But no, it really was full of nerds. Some of which were attempting to dress like hipsters. Really, it was borderline awkward in there. The presentations were pretty interesting (I learned about neon signs, evil bearded types, and beatboxing).... but i think they could have scheduled longer breaks in between to encourage mingling. I was also dissapointed that all of the people split right after the last presenation. I was hoping people would hang out for a while. Overall, the evening was pretty enteratining for the couple hours it lasted... but pretty tame. Would have been more of a satisfying weekday evening activity.

On a geek related topic, I could not be more stoked about the Watchmen movie coming out on March 6th. Albo, of Geekanerd, was kind enough to get the limited edition vinyl Watchmen single.
Im not sure how often I will actually be listening to either of the songs... but I have always been a sucker for collecters items.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rachel announces Most Anticipated Album of the Year

Yeah Yeah Yeahs It's Blitz! has a planned release date of April 14th. More details about the album.
So... why should you care? My 2008 pick for RMAAY was Radiohead's In Rainbows. And while any album from Radiohead is an obvious choice for an RMAAY, I would like to point out that this particular Radiohead album was their best in over 10 years (yes, since OK Computer). I wont argue against the fact that Kid A was more groundbreaking in 2000, than In Rainbows was in 2008, but I am going to say that I think In Rainbows will stand out as a better album 8 years from now, than Kid A does today. Get it?
I will also go so far as to say that being selected for an RMAAY pretty much garauntees that the album will also be selected for some sort of Grammy, which will just be the icing on the cake.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hipster Boys - Two

Who doesn't like to make fun of Hipsters? Nobody. But Ill admit, hipster boys are hot. For a few months I half seriously was telling my friends " if he doesn't have facial hair or a tattoo, he shouldn't even bother." * But really, being attracted to that kind of guy is just a way of keeping your emotional guard up because who really wants to get into a serious relationship with that guy?

Now instead of saying I would like to date a musician, I am more inclined to simply add a +1 if the dude plays an instrument at all. I think this a sign of maturity on my part.

*I would like to add. I am/was discriminant. A bad tattoo, or bad facial hair is way worse that not having it at all.

Friday, February 6, 2009

running playlist

Its about an hour and a quarter of music. I have been working on it for a while. I am very picky about what I run to. I has to be upbeat, fun, and if there are any tempo changes, it has to be getting faster. I have been changing my shuffle for a while, but still, every time I would find myself skipping a good portion of the songs. Finally, I have come up with this list. Not to say I never skip, but in generally, I am excited each time the song changes.

In ABC order, but you are meant to shuffle:

Miracle Drug - A.C. Newman - 2:19
Call Me - Blondie - 3:32
Untrust Us - Crystal Castles - 3:07
Crimewave - Crystal Castles vs. Health - 4:18
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk - 3:44
Desperate Guys - The Faint - 3:07
Here Comes The Summer - The Fiery Furnaces - 3:30
Hounds Of Love - The Futureheads - 3:03 ***
Hands In The Air - Girl Talk - 4:20
Don't Stop - Girl Talk - 2:58
Hand Clap - Girl Talk - 1:54
Double Pump - Girl Talk - 1:46
What You Waiting For? - Gwen Stefani - 3:43 ***
C.Y.O.A. - Heartsrevolution - 3:58
Somebody Told Me - The Killers - 3:18
Paper Planes - M.I.A. - 3:24
Electric Feel - MGMT - 3:50
Here It Goes Again - Ok Go - 3:00 ***
Hey Ya! - OutKast - 3:55
Portions For Foxes - Rilo Kiley - 4:45
Back in Your Head - Tegan and Sara - 3:01
Dancer - Woodhands - 3:58
Gold Lion (Diplo Remix) - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - 4:05

*** BEST RUNNING SONGS EVER. They all build up over the course of song. Perfect finishing songs if you want to kick it in for the end.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Sorry I have been a slacker

Things have been crazy. But I am back in the city for the next month, and have some exiting stuff to post about soon!



Sunday, January 11, 2009

market hotel - crytal stilts

So I finally went to a show at the Market Hotel. It was pretty cool. In brief, its this underground venue out in Bushwick, Brooklyn ... breaking all sorts of rules. It used to be a speakeasy. Dark... smoky... The picture below gives a pretty good representation of the feel.
Except for that the show last night was really packed. Apparently they stopped letting people in when it reached 600, and it was the first show to "sell out" in 6 months. Anyways, there were a couple of other rooms too... and the thing that I liked most about the venue is that it really has more of a party atmosphere than a "real" venue would. The bathroom line (which was always very long for the 2 co-ed stalls) and the line for the bar (which was just a chick standing at a folding table) were actually quite social.

The reason that we went to the show was to see the very hyped Brookln band Crystal Stilts. The hype is well deserved. Their lo-fi, dark, "we are not too excited" retro-pop sound reminds me a little of Times New Viking, or Vivian Girls, but honestly I think these guys are a little easier on the ears, sounding quite a bit more musical, both recorded and live, than the other two.

The two bands preceding Crystal Stilts, Tyvek and Box Elders were similar in their lo-fi, minimal, retro feel. But are less dreary, more upbeat, old-school punk feel. Just based on listening to the recordings on myspace a few times, I dont think these bands have the same at-home-listening-potential as Crystal Stilts, but there is certainly alot to be said for putting on a super fun live show.
Some bonus info for you. 1. The Chinese place accross from the Market Hotel is not as bad as you might expect it to be... at least for 4th meal. 2. If you are very drunk and it is late at night, crashing at a friends place in Brooklyn probably seems like the obviously choice (long wait times, possibility of falling asleep on train, safety, etc.). HOWEVER an hour commute is alot more fun drunk, even when sleepy, than hungover. Bring a barf bag just in case. You dont want to be the jerk that grosses up the train. Mine was from the Soho apple store and, as funny as it would have been, Im glad I didnt have to use it.