Monday, November 24, 2008

Best turntable set-up for under $1000

While anything would be a step up from playing CDs out of my TV's speakers, I must say I am pretty pleased with my new set up.

Speakers: Paradigm Mini Monitors $385

Receiver: Denon Stereo DRA-397 $360

Turntable: Rega - P1 w/Ortofon OM5e Cartridge $395

Pre-Amp: Cambridge azur 640P $179

Yes, I know... this is over $1000, but really, who can stay on budget these days? Aren't price limits more of a suggestion and made to be broken? I was pretty close before the pre-amp, which I bought a little later, but it was a very necessary addition. Really the pre-amp is what set apart the vinyl/turntable from a good sounding CD. As soon as we hooked it up the Radiohead we were using as a test record really popped. It was cleaner and everything just stood out so much better.

I cant justify the cost right now, but all will be complete once I get one of these sexy color felt mats for my Rega.

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