Saturday, November 15, 2008

show wristbands

Me: What do you call this? A wristband?
J: (laughs and holds up her beer) What do you call this? A cup?

The conversation was sparked by some awfully sturdy wrist bands we had been given upon entering tonights M83 show.

J, who has very small wrists, noted how much she appreciated that the bouncer had taken the time to properly fit her wrist band. While I appreciated that he had taken then time to line up the sticky part with the rest of the wristband.

Me: I just hate it when the sticky part hangs over and keeps grabbing your wrist when they don't do it right.
J: Yeah! Its like they are just saying "I hate my job. And I hate your wrist."

We then went on to discuss wristbands as opposed to hand stamps. While we both agreed that we would rather avoid having our hand stamped, I played the devils advocate.

Me: But the hand stamps are a great way of letting all of your co-workers know how cool you are.
J: My co-workers already know how cool I am. Besides, its also a great way of letting your co-workers know how well you wash your hands.

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